Trust Valley conducted a one-year study with 25 SMEs in the Lake Geneva region to strengthen their cybersecurity through the "Trust4SMEs" program.

Cybercrime has become a real scourge for companies, with attacks becoming more and more sophisticated and dangerous.

The harmless phishing campaign was conducted to raise awareness of the dangers of these attacks among employees of participating SMEs. Almost 36% of the employees clicked on the PDF document attached to the first email, 8% clicked on the second email containing the invitation to the video conference and 70 users gave their password in response to the third email.

The campaign showed that awareness is key to preventing phishing attacks and protecting businesses.

At Partner IT, we are here to help you protect your business from phishing threats and other cyber attacks. We offer complete support for your IT assets, with MPA (maintenance, prevention, support) services to ensure maximum security for your systems and data.

Cybersecurity is a priority for us, and we believe that prevention is the best protection against cyberattacks.

If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us. 👇

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